Sunday, April 27, 2014

Start over

Okay, switching to blogging every day now  :)  Because, even though life is harder than it ever was, I'm having a lot of fun drawing these  :)  and I'm starting over with the drawings, so here's side A color record No. 1:

Monday, April 21, 2014

Begin again

Classes start again tomorrow  :(  which means that, starting tomorrow, I'll be posting just an image, with the title of the image in the title of the post.  This one is side A of color record No. 1 of Ser. II:

I think I'll be posting on MTThF (so side B of this record should be up sometime tomorrow).

Friday, April 18, 2014


Here's my drawing for the other side of the color record---Ser. I, No. 1---whose A-side I posted yesterday:

I'll post the first record of Ser. II early next week  :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Color records

No sign of things letting up a little bit  :(  and I don't really want to leave the blog for dead, so I decided to start posting pictures.

Each of these digital drawings is one side of a color record---like a gramophone record, but with colors instead of sound---and I think I'm going to post about two records (i.e. four drawings) a week, just so the record shows that I'm still alive, even if I'm not writing anything.

Here's side A of No. 1 (Ser. I):