Thursday, March 14, 2013

Double shot of Gatsby

So I did write the paper for today's class this morning, and then I'm reading the next chapter on the same day.

At least I didn't write immediately after reading ...  Here goes:
11:45 p.m.  Chapter V is 16 pages.

11:46 p.m.  Gatsby's house on the first page reminded me of the fire in Hitchcock's "Rebecca"  :)

11:49 p.m.  "I think I walked into a deep sleep as I entered my front door."  I think that myself, every single day during the semester  :)

12:10 a.m.  Done.  Last point:  Yesterday, I saw that the text was emphatic about belonging to a particular period.  In today's chapter, however:  "Outside the wind was loud and there was a faint flow of thunder along the Sound"---it's no personal narrative, but a cosmic narrative.

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