Sunday, March 31, 2013

Morning chapter

1:48 p.m.  May be I should have slept a little longer.  Chapter XXI is six pages long.  I'll make coffee, smoke, then start reading.

2:03 p.m.  Starting now.

2:03 p.m.  Oh.  I forgot the coffee---

2:05 p.m.  Okay, starting now.

2:06 p.m.  Is this the chapter where Miss Lucas accepts Mr. Collins' proposal?  :)

2:08 p.m.  Actually, Mr. Wickham's back  :(  Is Austen going to leave Elizabeth hanging over that cliff now?

2:12 p.m.  Actually, the narrative's moving faster than I anticipated---Mr. Bingley, his sisters, and Mr. Darcy left for the winter  :(

2:17 p.m.  Elizabeth thinks like a chessplayer  :)  Unfortunately, she only does that when she's kibitzing (and Jane's playing), she is quite blind in her own game  :(

2:21 p.m.  Done.  Austen, too, uses seasons for symbolism (it will be *winter* when Darcy and Bingley are away), but she is much less obvious about it (than, say, F. Scott Fitzgerald in "Gatsby"), and I like Austen's strategy of working subliminally, I even think it more effective.

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