Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Glad I'm starting (bright and?) early

Did you know Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" has---wait for it---61 chapters?  Sixty-one!  I kid you not!

To put things into perspective:  If these were to be published---as Conan Doyle's "Baskervilles" was---one chapter at a time in a monthly magazine, this book would have run longer than five years.

Even if  Austen published one chapter in each issue of a weekly magazine, it would run well over a year.

If I were to read the book the way I have been reading other books---one chapter a day--- and had I started on March 1, I would have finished it on April 30.

But today is March 20, the reading log is due on April 25, so I have only 37 days left to read the 61 chapters---that is, 37 days including today and the day it's due.  I do want to continue reading only one chapter at a time, so I will be reading (and blogging) twice a day on most days during the next few weeks (exceptions will be the days when I have to drive to Ann Arbor, write a response statement, etc.).

Let's get started already:
11:48 a.m.  I can't believe I'm doing this before noon  :(

11:49 a.m.  At least the first chapter's only three pages long.

11:49 a.m.  I agree that it is a truth  :)

11:50 a.m.  Beautiful way to start!

11:55 a.m.  Done.  This may not be a Herculean task after all, if the other 60 chapters are as short---and read as well---as this one did  :)  Summary paragraph at the end of the chapter---following the model we learnt for informative speeches in Comm 101 last semester---and I didn't mind the exposition in that last paragraph.

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