Sunday, March 24, 2013

We're on again

Sunday morning.

And I may or may not blog again tonight, depending upon when I return from Ann Arbor (after dropping off my daughter at her mom's house).

But I'm blogging here and now:
1:38 p.m.  Chapter VIII is four pages long.

1:40 p.m.  Beautiful demonstration of how to "show, not tell" how Elizabeth feels at dinner.

1:41 p.m.  The other side of "pride"  :)

1:42 p.m.  And description of Elizabeth in dialog of other characters  :)

1:45 p.m.  And, for the benefit of the readers---who are, obviously, reading a novel---the characters all state which of them like reading and which of them look down upon it  :)  This one does seem to be a cheap trick, though.

1:47 p.m.  Oh.  I miscounted the pages again---this chapter is actually six pages, not four  :(

1:51 p.m.  "... and the modern languages"---yes!  :)

1:51 p.m.  And now, Darcy on the importance of reading  :)  so it wasn't merely a cheap trick to quickly divide the characters into two groups, after all  :)

1:54 p.m.  Done.

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